Special thanks to the following individuals
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit, anxiety mounted and countless discussions with colleagues, peers, patients, friends and family members informed the need to develop tools to help address immediate symptoms and suffering. I cannot name all the physicians, allied health providers, friends and patients here, however I sincerely thank them for everything they shared and for the feedback they provided.
Special thank you to:
Dr. Barry Pakes MD PhD who helped from the earliest discussions about the need for the tools and provided support with the editing of supplemental materials. Thank you also for your friendship and kindness.
Dr. Brian Kuzik for his help editing the tools.
Dr. Paul Kostenuik for his feedback, enthusiasm, and help editing the tools.
Dr. Savithiri Ratnapalan for her encouragement.
Thank you also to:
Dr. Elizabeth Alvarez
Dr. Brenda Pakes
Dr. Celeste Bouchard
Joan Hawkins Wong, Jungian Psychoanalyst
Sheri Van Djyk MSC
for your encouragement and feedback.